Artist Index

- G -
Gadd, Stephen:
2009 Chandos Ivanhoe: Prince John, Lucas de Beaumanoir
Gale, Elizabeth:
1982 Brent Walker Yeomen: Elsie Maynard
1993 Karaoke Gilbert and Sullivan: Soloist
Gallaher, Andrea:
1995 Essgee Entertainment Mikado: A Little Maid
1997 Essgee Entertainment Pinafore: A Relative
Gallaher, Simon:
1994 Essgee Entertainment Pirates: Frederic
1997 Essgee Entertainment Pinafore: Ralph Rackstraw
Galloway, Pat:
1985 Stratford Festival Pirates: Ruth
Gard, Robert:
1989 Opera Australia Gondoliers: Duke of Plaza-Toro
Garrett, Eric:
1995 Mackerras/Telarc Trial: Usher
Garrett, Lesley:
1986 English National Opera Mikado: Yum-Yum
Garvin, Larry:
1986 UMGASS Pirates: Samuel
Gee, Donald:
1989 BBC Utopia: Calynx
Germain, John:
1988 Opera Australia Mikado: Pish-Tush
1995 Opera Australia Patience: Colonel Calverley
Gilbert, John:
1963 Cheam Operatic Society Grand Duke: Rudolph
Gilchrist, James:
2004 Chandos Cox and Box: Box
2004 Chandos Trial by Jury: Defendant
Gill, Daphne:
1961 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Giulia
Gill, Dorothy:
1929 D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Ruth
1928 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Dame Carruthers
1931 D'Oyly Carte Ruddigore: Dame Hannah
1932 D'Oyly Carte Ida: Lady Blanche
1933 D'Oyly Carte Sorcerer: Lady Sangazure
Gillett, Christopher:
1987 New Sadler's Wells Pinafore: Ralph Rackstraw
Gillingham, Joan:
1949 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Hebe
1949 D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Edith
1950 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Pitti-Sing
1951 BBC Broadcast Mikado: Pitti-Sing
Gilmore, Eleanore:
1932 Civic Light Opera of NY Mikado: Peep-Bo
Glasener-Boles, Sahara:
2007 Ohio Light Opera Gondoliers: Tessa
2009 Ohio Light Opera Ruddigore: Mad Margaret
Glazier, Ed:
1973 UMGASS Grand Duke: Ben Hashbaz
Glover, Cynthia:
1963 Reader's Digest Mikado: Peep-Bo
1963 Reader's Digest Pirates: Mabel
1963 Reader's Digest Patience: Lady Angela
1963 Reader's Digest Patience: Patience
1966 BBC Trial: The Plaintiff
1966 BBC Pirates: Mabel (music)
1966 BBC Mikado: Yum-Yum (music)
Glover, Jim:
1972 Fulham Light Operatic Society Thespis: Mars
1972 Fulham Light Operatic Society Zoo: Mr. Grinder
Glynne, Walter:
1922 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Ralph Rackstraw (part)
1928 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Leonard Meryll, First Yeoman (part)
Godfrey, Isidore:
1933 D'Oyly Carte Sorcerer: Conductor
1936 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Conductor
1949 D'Oyly Carte Trial: Conductor
1949 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Conductor
1949 D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Conductor
1950 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Conductor
1950 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Conductor
1950 D'Oyly Carte Ruddigore: Conductor
1950 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Conductor
1951 D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Conductor
1951 D'Oyly Carte Patience: Conductor
1953 D'Oyly Carte Sorcerer: Conductor
1955 D'Oyly Carte Ida: Conductor
1957 D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Conductor
1957 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Conductor
1960 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Conductor
1960 D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Conductor
1961 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Conductor
1961 D'Oyly Carte Cox & Box: Conductor
1961 D'Oyly Carte Patience: Conductor
1962 D'Oyly Carte Ruddigore: Conductor
1964 D'Oyly Carte Trial: Conductor
1964 D'Oyly Carte Utopia: Conductor
1965 D'Oyly Carte Patience Video: Conductor
1966 D'Oyly Carte Sorcerer: Conductor
1966 D'Oyly Carte Mikado Film: Conductor
1968 D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Conductor
Godfrey, Robert:
1994 C&B Productions Cox & Box: Bouncer
1995 C&B Productions Mikado: Pooh-Bah
Godfrey, Thomas J.:
1994 C&B Productions Cox & Box: Box
1995 C&B Productions Mikado: Nanki-Poo
1995 C&B Productions Mikado: Conductor
Godfrey, Victor:
1966 BBC Pirates: Pirate King (music)
Godward, Stephen:
2000 Symposium Martyr of Antioch: Soloist
Goforth, Susan:
1992 Royal Victorian Opera Mountebanks: Nita
Gold, Andrew:
1962 Martyn Green Sings The Gilbert & Sullivan Songbook: Soloist
Gold, Louise:
1983 Papp's Pirates: Edith (movie)
Goodier, Henry [Harry]:
1950 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Luiz
1966 RCA Pirates: Samuel
Goodman, Al:
1958 Al Goodman Mikado: Conductor
1958 Al Goodman Pinafore: Conductor
Gordon, Gary:
1965 Los Angeles Savoy-Artes Utopia: Scaphio
Gordon, Josephine:
1982 Brent Walker Ida: Lady Psyche
Gordon, Margaret:
1966 BBC Mikado: Katisha (dialogue)
1966 BBC Utopia: Lady Sophy (dialogue)
1966 BBC Grand Duke: Baroness von Krakenfeldt (dialogue)
Gordon, Sybil:
1927 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Fiametta
Gorshin, Frank:
1982 Brent Walker Ida: King Gama
Gorton, Susan:
1990 New D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Katisha
1990 New D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Ruth
Goss, Julia:
1970 Songs and Snatches: Soloist
1975 D'Oyly Carte Trial: The Plaintiff
1976 D'Oyly Carte Grand Duke: Julie Jellicoe
1976 D'Oyly Carte Utopia: Princess Nekaya
1977 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Casilda
1978 D'Oyly Carte Zoo: Lætitia
Gossage, Julie:
1993 Mackerras/Telarc Pirates: Edith
Goudge, David:
1989 BBC Iolanthe: Strephon (dialogue)
Gould, David:
1994 Essgee Entertainment Pirates: Sergeant of Police (New Zealand)
1995 Essgee Entertainment Mikado: The Mikado
1997 Essgee Entertainment Pinafore: Captain Corcoran
Goulding, Charles:
1926 D'Oyly Carte Mikado Film: Nanki-Poo
1926 D'Oyly Carte Mikado BBC Broadcast: Nanki-Poo
1929 BBC Cox and Box Broadcast: Box
1930 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Ralph Rackstraw
1932 D'Oyly Carte Ida: Cyril
Goulding, Richard:
1966 BBC Yeomen: Sergeant Meryll (music)
1966 BBC Gondoliers: Don Alhambra (music)
Gower, John:
1962 World Record Club Mikado: Pooh-Bah
1962 World Record Club Pirates: Sergeant of Police
Gowings, L.:
1928 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: First Yeoman (part)
Gowrie, Gwladys:
1927 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Inez
Grace, Nickolas:
1987 New Sadler's Wells Pinafore: Sir Joseph Porter
Graham, Bruce:
1982 D'Oyly Carte: The Last Night: Soloist
1989 Prince Consort Ivanhoe: Cedric the Saxon, Locksley
2001 Carl Rosa Opera Mikado: Pooh-Bah
Graham, Edna:
1957 Sargent/EMI Gondoliers: Casilda
Grant, Allison:
1985 Stratford Festival Pirates: Isabel
1988 Stratford Festival Iolanthe: Celia
Grant, Donnalynn:
1994 CBC A Gilbert & Sullivan Gala: Soloist
Grant, Joyce:
1966 BBC Patience: Lady Jane (dialogue)
Granville, Sydney:
[See also Granville's 1926 Australasian Tour]
1922 HMV Iolanthe: Strephon
1922 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Captain Corcoran; Bill Bobstay
1924 D'Oyly Carte Ida: Florian
1929 D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Private Willis
1930 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Bill Bobstay
1931 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Don Alhambra
1931 D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Sergeant of Police
1931 D'Oyly Carte Ruddigore: Sir Despard Murgatroyd
1931 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Wilfred Shadbolt
1936 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Pooh-Bah
1939 Mikado Film: Pooh-Bah
Grapentine, Chris:
1973 UMGASS Grand Duke: Ernest Dummkoph
Gray, Earl:
1966 BBC Ruddigore: Old Adam (dialogue)
Gray, Fenton:
1992 New D'Oyly Carte Mikado Video: Ko-Ko
1993 New D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Jack Point
Green, Ginger:
1995 Royal Victorian Opera Our Island Home: Miss Fanny Holland
1996 Royal Victorian Opera No Cards: Miss Anabella Penrose
Green, Johnny:
1949 Gilbert and Sullivan and Danny Kaye: Conductor (part)
Green, Martyn:
1929 BBC Cox and Box Broadcast: Cox
1930 D'Oyly Carte Patience: Major Murgatroyd
1936 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Ko-Ko
1939 Mikado Film: Ko-Ko
1949 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Sir Joseph Porter
1949 D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Major-General Stanley
1950 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Ko-Ko
1950 D'Oyly Carte Ruddigore: Robin Oakapple
1950 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Jack Point
1950 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Duke of Plaza-Toro
1951 BBC Broadcast Mikado: Ko-Ko
1951 D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Lord Chancellor
1951 D'Oyly Carte Patience: Reginald Bunthorne
1953 The Story of Gilbert and Sullivan (film): George Grossmith
1953 Martyn Green's Gilbert and Sullivan: Soloist
1954 Allegro-Royale Mikado: Ko-Ko
1962 Martyn Green Sings The Gilbert & Sullivan Songbook: Soloist
1966 RCA Pirates: Major-General Stanley
Green, Philip:
1960 Waltzing to Gilbert and Sullivan: Conductor
Greenberger, Florence:
1965 Los Angeles Savoy-Artes Utopia: Lady Sophy
Greene, Andrew:
1988 Opera Australia Mikado: Conductor
2005 Opera Australia Trial: Conductor
2005 Opera Australia Pinafore: Conductor
2006 Opera Australia Pirates: Conductor
Greene, Leon:
1962 Sadler's Wells Iolanthe: Private Willis
Gregory, John:
1966 Michael Sammes Pinafore: Conductor
1966 Michael Sammes Pirates: Conductor
1966 Michael Sammes Iolanthe: Conductor
1966 Michael Sammes Mikado: Conductor
1966 Michael Sammes Yeomen: Conductor
1966 Michael Sammes Gondoliers: Conductor
Grenville, Lewis:
1964 Lyric Theater Company Mountebanks: Elvino di Pasta
Grey, Joel:
1982 Brent Walker Yeomen: Jack Point
Griffin, Elsie:
1924 D'Oyly Carte Ruddigore: Rose Maybud; Zorah
1926 D'Oyly Carte Mikado Film: Yum-Yum
1926 D'Oyly Carte Mikado BBC Broadcast: Yum-Yum
1926 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Yum-Yum
1929 D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Mabel
1928 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Kate
1930 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Josephine
Griffett, James:
1973 The Best of Gilbert and Sullivan: Soloist
Griffiths, Derek:
1975 Black Mikado: Ko-Ko
Griffiths, Neville:
1950 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: First Yeoman
1950 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Leonard Meryll
1951 D'Oyly Carte Patience: Duke of Dunstable (part)
1951 BBC Broadcast Mikado: Nanki-Poo
1953 D'Oyly Carte Sorcerer: Alexis
1954 BBC Broadcast Mikado: Nanki-Poo
Griffiths, Rosalind:
1974 D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Fleta
1976 D'Oyly Carte Utopia: Phylla
Griffin, Steven:
2000 Prince Consort Haddon Hall: Sir John Manners
Grimaldi, Marion:
1966 BBC Gondoliers: Tessa
Groves, Sir Charles:
1973 Gilbert and Sullivan Overtures: Conductor
Groves, Glenys:
1989 BBC Pinafore: Hebe
1989 BBC Iolanthe: Leila
1989 BBC Mikado: Peep-Bo
1989 BBC Gondoliers: Fiametta
1989 BBC Utopia: Phylla
1989 BBC Grand Duke: Olga
Grundy, Owen:
1957 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Go-To
Gurner, Ruth:
1978 Gilbert and Sullivan Highlights: Soloist
1979 More Highlights from Gilbert & Sullivan: Soloist
Guthrie, Anne:
1970 Songs and Snatches: Soloist